Plan-It is a lightly competitive party game. There are 2 teams, but everyone works collaboratively to set up what is essentially a line of dominos during 30 second long rounds. After 30 seconds, the "dominos" are toppled and everyone watches to see which team has more standing at the end. This leads to funny scenarios where someone could be setting up a perfect chain reaction only to be completely undone by someone changing a small piece of their plan at the last second. It could also lead to someone trying to help, but ending up knocking over their own team's pieces as their friends laugh together at the outcome. It's a perfect Discord game due to its quick rounds, drop-in drop-out gameplay, and potential for funny situations with your friends.

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awesome stuff, how long did it take to make ? 

Thank you for the kind words! It took me a bit over a month to make this game. I originally made it for the Discord activity pitch competition, but then took a week or two after that to make the game work outside of Discord activities as well.

We are actually working on a game right now, would you happen to be intrested in joining ? if so id love to send you some details on discord