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Not sure if you'll even see this message. My girlfriend and I fell in love with this game. So far, we've been able to collect 3 out of the 4 pieces of evidence, but we're stuck on where the fourth one could be. We've uncovered the evidence in the tower, the maze and the pink end zone. Could it be possible to get a hint for the fourth piece of evidence? We'd love to complete it!


This put a huge smile on my face. I imagined most people who booted this up were confused and immediately closed it, but to hear you've gotten that far with your partner makes me really happy. The fourth one is in the deathrun area. If you look at the right side, there's an invisible wall along the bottom that you can enter. Here's a screenshot where you can see a lighter yellow line along the right wall where it is. I admit this is a very sneaky place to hide something and I probably should have made it a bit easier haha. Thanks again for the very nice comment and I hope you two can see the ending!


We did it! Thanks for giving us the key to complete it. We absolutely loved it! Sad to see Erika lose her job though :p


Very interesting concept, was fun jumping around and interacting with the other players. 

I do think adding a voice ability to call out to other players would be really helpful, cause it is most of the time impossible to get their attention. Also i found the anti gravity boots to be the most useful ability in the game. Sure the other abilities were fun too, but the boots are just too powerful to replace with anything else in my opinion.

I managed to get to the end while operating 2 instances by myself (The maze part was the hardest, but i just left one instance at the end of the maze to make it easier activating the maze gem)

I couldn't find most of Evan's evidence post unfortunately, and i bet theres still alot that i havent seen, which is incredible how you managed to do so much in the jam's timeframe!

Overall i enjoyed the game, im sure it would be a real chaos with a full server


Wow, you got that far playing with 2 games yourself? Impressive. I have no idea how you'd get the grav boots with that strategy. Glad you enjoyed the game. Thanks so much for giving it a try!